Wednesday 29 June 2016


There are 2 teams of 7 - 10 players on the field at once.

Video created by sportwaitakare.

 Ki-o-Rahi is a traditional Māori/ European game. It is a fast pace sport with contact, it is on played on a field the shape of a circle.

The Ball uused in the game sis traditionally made from wax.

Wednesday 22 June 2016


INSANE MAORI HUT!!!!..... NEW WAY OF LIVING???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marae are places of refuge for our people and provide facilities to enable us to continue with our own way of life within the total structure of our own terms and values

It is a traditional and very sacred place for the Maori. They go in a Marae to gather, celebrate or pray.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

What is the NZ native bird??????????? MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The kiwi is a  flightless New Zealand bird with  feathers, and a very long beak with sensitive nostrils at the front.

It is NZ native bird and there are not many left, there once was around 12 million but now there are less than 100,000 left!!!

There are 5 species of kiwi: North Island brown kiwi, tokoeka, rowi, great spotted kiwi and little spotted kiwi. But luckily the numbers are slowly but surely rising  

MATARIKI!!!!!!!!MUST READ!!!!!!!!!

Matariki is the seven stars. The names are Waipunaarangi, Uruarangi, Tupuarangi, Tupuanuku, Matariki, Waiti and Waita. 

Matariki is celebrated in the late May and the early June.

It was time to spend with family and to remember those who have passed away, and it was a time for them to reflect on the year gone passed and also to celebrate and plan for the new year head. It was a time of abundance, feasting, singing and sharing ones's good fortune.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


Pepeha-Tribal Saying
Taioa-Meeting Place
Papa Kainga-Homeland

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Unbelievable Maori Information!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!

                   Koroua/Tipuna Papa (Grandfather)                   Kuia/Tipuna Mama (Grandmother)

                  Mama/Koka/Whaea (Mother/Mum)                Matua/Papa (Father/Dad)

                  Tuahine (Sister)                                             Tungane (Brother)


Tuesday 31 May 2016

The Most Epic Maori Battles That Exist!!!!!!!!! MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Māori warfare traditionally involved hand-to-hand combat, 
with weapons designed to kill. The Maori made war mainly 
for land or resources, but could also be to increase mana or as revenge. 

Monday 30 May 2016

Were The Maori Racist??!!!!!!!!!! MUST READ!!!!!!!!!


The Maori Did have a name for when the European arrived and they called them Pakeha which means: A white New Zealander (not Maori) But  no they were not racist

Sunday 29 May 2016

Praise the Maori God!!!!!!!!!!!Must Read!!!!!!!!

Ranginui- Primordial sky father
Rehua- Star God
Rohe- Goddess of the world
Rongo- God of cultivated
Uenuku- God of rainbows
Tangaroa- God of the sea
Maru- God of war
Hine-nui-te-po- Goddess of night and death
Makeatutara- Guardian of the underworld
Tama-nui-te-ra- God of sun
Rohe- Goddess of the spirit world

10 Easy Words To Learn!!!!!!!!! Best Guide OMG!!!!!!!!!! (Are They really Illuminati)

1. Tamahine= Daughter(s)
2. Tamaiti Tame= Son
3. Tama= Son(s)
4. Tamaiti= Child
5. Tamariki= Children
6. Tamaiti Whangai= Foster Child
7. Iramutu= Niece/Nephew
8. Mokopuna= Grandchild
9. Wahine=  Wife
10. Tane= Husband

Thursday 26 May 2016

The Most Coolest Thing About Maori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These Lady's Have Some Serious Talent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Credit to :nh6music

Who Actually Are The Maori!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

Identification. The Maori are the indigenous inhabitants of New Zealand. Culturally, they are Polynesians, most closely related to eastern Polynesians. After contact with Europeans, the people now known as the Maori began using the term tangata aori, meaning usual or ordinary people.
Location. The Maori were originally settled in the northern parts of North Island, New Zealand. South Island was not so popular until later.
Demography. When Captain Cook visited New Zealand in 1769 the indigenous population was probably between 200,000 and 250,000. The population declined after contact with Europeans, but it began to recover at the beginning of this century and now approaches 300,000.

This Guy Has Some Serious Skill!!!!!

Credit To: NoRelationToNed

Beautiful, Unbelievable photos of where the Maoris live... New Zealand !!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 25 May 2016


What Did The Maori Eat????
The Maori ate a lot of things including pāua, pipi, tuatua, titiko (mud snails), mussels, limpets and cat's eyes. Fresh seafood was usually cooked by laying the flesh on heated rocks. Shellfish were often eaten raw. Māori preserved much of their seafood to eat later or trade.

Unbelievable, astonishing Maori Photos. MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Maori Greeting Kate and Will!!!
The Maori warriors doing the Pukana

Maoris next to the waka/boat


What Is A Mihimihi/ Pepeha

1. Introductory speeches

2. Traditionally taken place at the beginning of a hui.

3. Mahimihi are generally in Te Reo Maori and can be given by men or woman.

4. Individuals stand to introduce by sharing by whakapapa, and other relevant information 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

How To Count To Ten In Maori

1. Tahi
2. Rua
3. Toru
4. Wha
5. Rima
6. Ono
7. Whitu
8. Waru
9. Iwa
10. Tekau

The Rosmini College Haka

Watch this video of a Haka from a school in New Zealand called Rosmini College

Sunday 22 May 2016

Maori Tattoo

Since the Maori people consider the head to be the most sacred part of the body, the most popular kind of Maori tattoo was the facial tattoo, which was composed of curved shapes and spiral like patterns. Often tattoo that covered the whole face and was a symbol of rank, social status, power and prestige.

Here is a little video on someone getting a tattoo of a Maori design.

Credit to  zealand20may10

The Maori Names of Some Countries

1. Australia- Ahitereiria
2. Ireland- Airangi
3. America- Amerika
4. Africa- Awherika
5. South Africa- Awherika ki te tonga
6. Russia- Ruhia
7. Germany- Tiamani
8. Wales- Wera
9. France-Wiwi
10. England-Ingarangi
11. India-Inia
12. Italy-Itari
13. China-Haina
14. Japan-Hapani
15. Scotland-Kotarana

Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Maori names of New Zealand Citys

New Playmouth-Nagamota
Gisborne-Turanga Niakiwa
Blenheim-Te Waiharaheke
Stewart Island-Rakiure
Palmerston North-Te Papaooea
Wellington-Te Whanganui a Tara
Auckland-Tamaki Makaurau

10 Easy Sentences You Can Learn In Maori

These are 10 Easy sentences that you could learn in Maori

1. Ko (name) taku ingoa.    ( My name is _)

2. (Age) aku tau.       ( I am _ years old)

3. Ko (Mum) taku mama, ko (Dad) taku pappa.    ( My mum is_, my dad is _)

4. Ko (Your Country) taku iwi.  ( I am from _)

5. Ko taku tino kia, ko te (favorite food).    ( My favorite food is _)

6. E whakapona ana au ki (what you believe in).   (I believe in _)

7. I whanau mai au i ( where you were born).  (I was born in _)

8. Ko taku tina kiri ata (movie).    (My favorite movie is _)

9. Kau tae au ki( Country/s you have visited).   (I have been to _)

10. Kei (where you live now) e noha ana. (I live in _)

Video On The Two Maori Weapons

Check out this amazing video of someone using the Taiaha and Patu.
Thank you to HakaInternational's channel for letting us use the video.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Two Important Maori Weapons


What is a Taiaha?

taiaha is a traditional weapon of the Māori of New Zealand; a close-quarters staff weapon made from either wood or whalebone, and used for short, sharp strikes or stabbing thrusts with quick footwork on the part of the wielder. 


What is a Patu?

patu is a generic term for a club or pounder used by the Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. The word patuin the Māori language means to strike, hit, beat, or subdue. It was a very common weapon to be used in battles. It was made of wood, whale bone and green stone.