Wednesday 18 May 2016

10 Easy Sentences You Can Learn In Maori

These are 10 Easy sentences that you could learn in Maori

1. Ko (name) taku ingoa.    ( My name is _)

2. (Age) aku tau.       ( I am _ years old)

3. Ko (Mum) taku mama, ko (Dad) taku pappa.    ( My mum is_, my dad is _)

4. Ko (Your Country) taku iwi.  ( I am from _)

5. Ko taku tino kia, ko te (favorite food).    ( My favorite food is _)

6. E whakapona ana au ki (what you believe in).   (I believe in _)

7. I whanau mai au i ( where you were born).  (I was born in _)

8. Ko taku tina kiri ata (movie).    (My favorite movie is _)

9. Kau tae au ki( Country/s you have visited).   (I have been to _)

10. Kei (where you live now) e noha ana. (I live in _)

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